Bellybutton Babies is a comedy-drama feel-good affair that follows the stories of a disparate collection of characters on a Salford housing estate who all, for one reason or another, pick up a copy of a self help book, THE BOOK OF FEAR, which promises to help them face their fears.

Check out the excerpt (if you don't mind a bit of swearing):

Excerpt 1 - Loveable Salfordian thug, MIKE, is out on the town with his beautiful and feisty girlfriend, SAM. They meet up with a few of Mike's questionable friends, and GENO offers Sam a 'dab' of some white powder. Sam has taken more than Geno expected and is headed for a bad trip that will, I'm afraid, lead to her death. In the meantime SMILEY is entertaining them all with a story from his school days...

Read Excerpt 1

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