What would happen if you could make anything happen?

When four ordinary British school kids have an encounter with a fallen angel from the stars one of them becomes as powerful as God. School time is over for everybody now, only there are still some questions to be answered.

Who will be punished, who will be forgiven?

What is worth saving, what will be erased?

How do gods keep themselves from going insane with power, and why in Heaven and on Earth should they even try to?


Though I write stories that are exciting and fun there is nothing disposable about my writing. A powerful example of this is my novel for young adult readers, ‘The monodreme’.

The opening chapter shows the tension I create right from the beginning, how authentically I create characters and how I refuse to condescend to my readers.

Read Chapter 1

Skipping ahead to Chapter 15 we find out what Real Sal eventually decides to do with her godlike powers. There will be some stuff that you don't understand, but that's okay, you'll get the general idea. I am including this chapter because it shows how important it is to me that my writing – whether for children, young adults or adult readers – includes the deepest, profoundest understanding, that I have to offer, of what it is to be a person.

Read Chapter 15

Visit my storefront at Lulu.com to see alternate covers.

Animated monodreme

I'm in the process of preparing a pitch to some UK animation companies for a serialisation of The monodreme.  I thought it would be a good idea to put together some concept art (everybody likes visual prompts).

See concept art for animation pitch

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